openhgnn.models.NSHE 源代码

import torch.nn.functional as F
from dgl.nn.pytorch import GraphConv
import dgl
from . import BaseModel, register_model
from ..layers.HeteroLinear import HeteroMLPLayer, HeteroLinearLayer

In paper repo performance		
ACM<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.8412, Macro-F1 = 0.8327
Run author code		
ACM-Deepwalk<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.8408, Macro-F1 = 0.8411
ACM<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.8495, Macro-F1 = 0.8478

In paper repo performance		
IMDB<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.5921, Macro-F1 = 0.5835
Run author code		
IMDB-Deepwalk<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.5938, Macro-F1 = 0.5804
IMDB<Classification>     Micro-F1 = 0.6209, Macro-F1 = 0.6053

[文档]@register_model('NSHE') class NSHE(BaseModel): r""" NSHE[IJCAI2020] Network Schema Preserving Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding `Paper Link <>` `Code Link` """ @classmethod def build_model_from_args(cls, args, hg): return cls(hg, 'GCN', project_dim=args.dim_size['project'], emd_dim=args.dim_size['emd'], context_dim=args.dim_size['context']) def __init__(self, g, gnn_model, project_dim, emd_dim, context_dim): super(NSHE, self).__init__() self.gnn_model = gnn_model self.norm_emb = True # dimension of transform: after projecting, after aggregation, after CE_encoder self.project_dim = project_dim self.emd_dim = emd_dim self.context_dim = context_dim # * ================== encoder config================== linear_dict1 = {} linear_dict2 = {} linear_dict3 = {} cla_dim = self.emd_dim + self.context_dim * (len(g.ntypes) - 1) for ntype in g.ntypes: in_dim = g.nodes[ntype].data['h'].shape[1] linear_dict1[ntype] = (in_dim, self.project_dim) linear_dict2[ntype] = (self.emd_dim, self.context_dim) linear_dict3[ntype] = (cla_dim, 1) # * ================== Project feature Layer================== self.feature_proj = HeteroLinearLayer(linear_dict1, has_l2norm=False, has_bn=False) # * ================== Neighborhood Agg(gnn_model)================== if self.gnn_model == "GCN": self.gnn1 = GraphConv(self.project_dim, self.emd_dim, norm="none", activation=F.relu) self.gnn2 = GraphConv(self.emd_dim, self.emd_dim, norm="none", activation=None) elif self.gnn_model == "GAT": self.gnn1 = GraphConv(self.project_dim, self.emd_dim, activation=F.relu, ) self.gnn2 = GraphConv(self.emd_dim, self.emd_dim, activation=None) # * ================== Context encoder(called CE in the paper)================= self.context_encoder = HeteroLinearLayer(linear_dict2, has_l2norm=False, has_bn=False) # * ================== NSI Classification================ self.linear_classifier = HeteroMLPLayer(linear_dict3, has_l2norm=False, has_bn=False) def forward(self, hg, h): with hg.local_scope(): # * =============== Encode heterogeneous feature ================ h_dict = self.feature_proj(h) hg.ndata['h_proj'] = h_dict g_homo = dgl.to_homogeneous(hg, ndata=['h_proj']) # * =============== Node Embedding Generation =================== h = g_homo.ndata['h_proj'] #h = self.gnn1(g_homo, h) h = self.gnn2(g_homo, h) if self.norm_emb: # Independently normalize each dimension h = F.normalize(h, p=2, dim=1) # Context embedding generation # g_homo.ndata['h'] = h emd = self.h2dict(h, h_dict) #hg.ndata['h'] = emd return emd, h def h2dict(self, h, hdict): pre = 0 for i, value in hdict.items(): hdict[i] = h[pre:value.shape[0]+pre] pre += value.shape[0] return hdict