openhgnn.models.NARS 源代码

import dgl
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
from . import BaseModel, register_model
import dgl.function as fn

[文档]@register_model('NARS') class NARS(BaseModel): r""" `SCALABLE GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS FOR HETEROGENEOUS GRAPHS <>`_. Given a heterogeneous graph :math:`G` and its edge relation type set :math:`\mathcal{R}`, our proposed method first samples :math:`K` unique subsets from :math:`\mathcal{R}`. Then for each sampled subset :math:`R_i \subseteq \mathcal{R}`, we generate a relation subgraph :math:`G_i` from :math:`G` in which only edges whose type belongs to :math:`R_i` are kept. We treat :math:`G_i` as a homogeneous graph or a bipartite graph, and perform neighbor aggregation to generate :math:`L`-hop neighbor features for each node. Let :math:`H_{v,0}` be the input features (of dimension :math:`D`) for node :math:`v`. For each subgraph :math:`G_i` , the :math:`l`-th hop features :math:`H_{v,l}^{i}` are computed as .. math:: H_{v, l}^{i}=\sum_{u \in N_{i}(v)} \frac{1}{\left|N_{i}(v)\right|} H_{u, l-1}^{i} where :math:`N_i(v)` is the set of neighbors of node :math:`v` in :math:`G_i`. For each layer :math:`l`, we let the model adaptively learn which relation-subgraph features to use by aggregating features from different subgraphs :math:`G_i` with learnable 1-D convolution. The aggregated :math:`l`-hop features across all subgraphs are calculated as .. math:: H_{v, l}^{a g g}=\sum_{i=1}^{K} a_{i, l} \cdot H_{v, l}^{i} where :math:`H^i` is the neighbor averaging features on subgraph :math:`G_i` and :math:`a_{i,l}` is a learned vector of length equal to the feature dimension :math:`D`. Parameters ---------- num_hops : int Number of hops. category : str Type of predicted nodes. hidden_dim : int The dimention of hidden layer. num_feats : int The number of relation subsets. Note ---- We do not support the dataset without feature, (e.g. HGBn-Freebase because the model performs neighbor aggregation to generate :math:`L`-hop neighbor features at once. """ @classmethod def build_model_from_args(cls, args, hg): num_hops = args.num_hops + 1 return cls(num_hops=num_hops, args = args, hg = hg, ) def __init__(self, num_hops, args, hg): super(NARS, self).__init__() self.category = args.category self.dropout = args.dropout self.input_dropout = args.input_dropout # self.feats = feats self.device = args.device self.num_hops = num_hops self.args = args in_size = hg.nodes[args.category].data["h"].shape[1] etypes = hg.canonical_etypes mps = [] for etype in etypes: if etype[0] == args.category: for dst_e in etypes: if etype[0] == dst_e[2] and etype[2] == dst_e[0] and etype[0] != etype[2]: mps.append([etype, dst_e]) self.mps = mps self.num_feats = len(mps) with th.no_grad(): self.feats = preprocess_features(hg, mps, args, args.device, self.args.category) print("Done preprocessing") self.seq = nn.Sequential( WeightedAggregator(self.num_feats, in_size, num_hops), SIGN(in_size, args.hidden_dim, args.out_dim, num_hops, args.ff_layer, args.dropout, args.input_dropout) ) def forward(self, hg, h_dict): #ffeats = [ for x in self.feats] ffeats = [ for x in self.feats] return {self.category: self.seq.forward(ffeats)} def reset_parameters(self): self.seq.register_parameter()
def preprocess_features(g, mps, args, device, predict): """ pre-process heterogeneous graph g to generate neighbor-averaged features for each relation subsets Parameters ----------- g : heterogeneous graph rel_subsets : relations of subsets args : arguments device : device Return ------ new features of each relation subsets """ category_dim = g.nodes[predict].data["feat"].shape[1] for ntype in g.ntypes: ntype_dim = g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"].shape[1] if category_dim != ntype_dim: rand_weight = th.Tensor(ntype_dim, category_dim).uniform_(-0.5, 0.5).to(device) g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"] = th.matmul(g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"], rand_weight) num_paper, feat_size = g.nodes[predict].data["feat"].shape new_feats = [th.zeros(num_paper, len(mps), feat_size) for _ in range(args.num_hops + 1)] for subset_id, subset in enumerate(mps): # print(subset) feats = gen_rel_subset_feature(g, subset, args, device, predict) for i in range(args.num_hops + 1): feat = feats[i] new_feats[i][:feat.shape[0], subset_id, :] = feat feats = None return new_feats def gen_rel_subset_feature(g, rel_subset, args, device, predict): """ Build relation subgraph given relation subset and generate multi-hop neighbor-averaged feature on this subgraph Parameters ---------- g : Heterogeneous graph rel_subset : relation of subsets args : arguments device : device Returns ------ new features of a relation subsets """ new_g = g.edge_type_subgraph(rel_subset).to(g.device) ntypes = new_g.ntypes # set node feature and calc deg for ntype in ntypes: num_nodes = new_g.number_of_nodes(ntype) if num_nodes < g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"].shape[0]: new_g.nodes[ntype].data["hop_0"] = g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"][:num_nodes, :] else: new_g.nodes[ntype].data["hop_0"] = g.nodes[ntype].data["feat"] deg = 0 for etype in new_g.etypes: _, _, dtype = new_g.to_canonical_etype(etype) if ntype == dtype: deg = deg + new_g.in_degrees(etype=etype) if th.is_tensor(deg): norm = 1.0 / deg.float() norm[th.isinf(norm)] = 0 new_g.nodes[ntype].data["norm"] = norm.view(-1, 1).to(device) res = [] # compute k-hop feature for hop in range(1, args.num_hops + 1): ntype2feat = {} for etype in new_g.etypes: stype, _, dtype = new_g.to_canonical_etype(etype) new_g[etype].update_all(fn.copy_u(f'hop_{hop-1}', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'new_feat')) new_feat = new_g.nodes[dtype].data.pop("new_feat") assert("new_feat" not in new_g.nodes[stype].data) if dtype in ntype2feat: ntype2feat[dtype] += new_feat else: ntype2feat[dtype] = new_feat for ntype in new_g.ntypes: assert ntype in ntype2feat # because subgraph is not directional feat_dict = new_g.nodes[ntype].data old_feat = feat_dict.pop(f"hop_{hop-1}") if ntype == predict: res.append(old_feat.cpu()) feat_dict[f"hop_{hop}"] = ntype2feat.pop(ntype).mul_(feat_dict["norm"]) res.append(new_g.nodes[predict].data.pop(f"hop_{args.num_hops}").cpu()) return res class FeedForwardNet(nn.Module): """ A feedforward net. Input ------ in_feats : input feature dimention hidden : hidden layer dimention out_feats : output feature dimention num_layers : number of layers dropout : dropout rate """ def __init__(self, in_feats, hidden, out_feats, num_layers, dropout): super(FeedForwardNet, self).__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.num_layers = num_layers if num_layers == 1: self.layers.append(nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)) else: self.layers.append(nn.Linear(in_feats, hidden)) for i in range(num_layers - 2): self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden, hidden)) self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden, out_feats)) if self.num_layers > 1: self.prelu = nn.PReLU() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): gain = nn.init.calculate_gain("relu") for layer in self.layers: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight, gain=gain) nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def forward(self, x): for layer_id, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = layer(x) if layer_id < self.num_layers - 1: x = self.dropout(self.prelu(x)) return x class SIGN(nn.Module): """ The SIGN model. Parameters ------------ in_feats : input feature dimention hidden : hidden layer dimention out_feats : output feature dimention num_hops : number of hops num_layers : number of layers dropout : dropout rate input_drop : whether or not to dropout when inputting features """ def __init__( self, in_feats, hidden, out_feats, num_hops, num_layers, dropout, input_drop ): super(SIGN, self).__init__() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.prelu = nn.PReLU() self.inception_ffs = nn.ModuleList() self.input_drop = input_drop for i in range(num_hops): self.inception_ffs.append( FeedForwardNet(in_feats, hidden, hidden, num_layers, dropout) ) self.project = FeedForwardNet( num_hops * hidden, hidden, out_feats, num_layers, dropout ) def forward(self, feats): hidden = [] for feat, ff in zip(feats, self.inception_ffs): if self.input_drop: feat = self.dropout(feat) hidden.append(ff(feat)) out = self.project(self.dropout(self.prelu(, dim=-1)))) return out class WeightedAggregator(nn.Module): """ Get new features by multiplying the old features by the weight matrix. Parameters ------------- num_feats : number of subsets in_feats : input feature dimention num_hops : number of hops """ def __init__(self, num_feats, in_feats, num_hops): super(WeightedAggregator, self).__init__() self.agg_feats = nn.ParameterList() for _ in range(num_hops): self.agg_feats.append(nn.Parameter(th.Tensor(num_feats, in_feats))) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.agg_feats[-1]) def forward(self, feats): new_feats = [] for feat, weight in zip(feats, self.agg_feats): new_feats.append((feat * weight.unsqueeze(0)).sum(dim=1).squeeze()) return new_feats