openhgnn.models.HPN 源代码

import dgl
import torch.nn as nn
from . import BaseModel, register_model
from dgl.nn.pytorch.conv import APPNPConv
from ..layers.MetapathConv import MetapathConv
from ..utils.utils import extract_metapaths
from ..layers.macro_layer.SemanticConv import SemanticAttention

[文档]@register_model('HPN') class HPN(BaseModel): r""" This model shows an example of using dgl.metapath_reachable_graph on the original heterogeneous graph.HPN from paper `Heterogeneous Graph Propagation Network <>`__. The author did not provide codes. So, we complete it according to the implementation of HAN .. math:: \mathbf{Z}^{\Phi}=\mathcal{P}_{\Phi}(\mathbf{X})=g_\Phi(f_\Phi(\mathbf{X})) where :math:`\mathbf{X}` denotes initial feature matrix and :math:`\mathbf{Z^\Phi}` denotes semantic-specific node embedding. .. math:: \mathbf{H}^{\Phi}=f_\Phi(\mathbf{X})=\sigma(\mathbf{X} \cdot \mathbf{W}^\Phi+\mathbf{b}^{\Phi}) where :math:`\mathbf{H}^{\Phi}` is projected node feature matrix .. math:: \mathbf{Z}^{\Phi, k}=g_{\Phi}\left(\mathbf{Z}^{\Phi, k-1}\right)=(1-\gamma) \cdot \mathbf{M}^{\Phi} \cdot \mathbf{Z}^{\Phi, k-1}+\gamma \cdot \mathbf{H}^{\Phi} where :math:`\mathbf{Z}^{\Phi,k}` denotes node embeddings learned by k-th layer semantic propagation mechanism. :math:`\gamma` is a weight scalar which indicates the importance of characteristic of node in aggregating process. We use MetapathConv to finish Semantic Propagation and Semantic Fusion. Parameters ------------ meta_paths : list contain multiple meta-paths. category : str The category means the head and tail node of metapaths. in_size : int input feature dimension. out_size : int out dimension. dropout : float Dropout probability. k_layer : int propagation times. alpha : float Value of restart probability. edge_drop : float, optional The dropout rate on edges that controls the messages received by each node. Default: ``0``. """ @classmethod def build_model_from_args(cls, args, hg): if args.meta_paths_dict is None: meta_paths = extract_metapaths(args.category, hg.canonical_etypes) else: meta_paths = args.meta_paths_dict return cls(meta_paths=meta_paths, category=args.out_node_type, in_size=args.hidden_dim, out_size=args.out_dim, dropout=args.dropout, k_layer=args.k_layer, alpha=args.alpha, edge_drop=args.edge_drop ) def __init__(self, meta_paths, category, in_size, out_size, dropout, k_layer, alpha, edge_drop): super(HPN, self).__init__() self.category = category self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.layers.append(HPNLayer(meta_paths, in_size, dropout, k_layer, alpha, edge_drop)) self.linear = nn.Linear(in_size, out_size) def forward(self, g, h_dict): for gnn in self.layers: h_dict = gnn(g, h_dict) out_dict = {ntype: self.linear(h_dict[ntype]) for ntype in self.category} return out_dict
class HPNLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, meta_paths_dict, in_size, dropout, k_layer, alpha, edge_drop): super(HPNLayer, self).__init__() # semantic projection function fΦ projects node into semantic space self.hidden = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=in_size, out_features=in_size, bias=True), nn.ReLU() ) self.meta_paths_dict = meta_paths_dict semantic_attention = SemanticAttention(in_size=in_size) mods = nn.ModuleDict({mp: APPNPConv(k_layer, alpha, edge_drop) for mp in meta_paths_dict}) self.model = MetapathConv(meta_paths_dict, mods, semantic_attention) self._cached_graph = None self._cached_coalesced_graph = {} def forward(self, g, h_dict): r""" Parameters ----------- g : DGLHeteroGraph The heterogeneous graph h : tensor The input features Returns -------- h : tensor The output features """ h_dict = {ntype: self.hidden(h_dict[ntype]) for ntype in h_dict} if self._cached_graph is None or self._cached_graph is not g: self._cached_graph = g self._cached_coalesced_graph.clear() for mp, mp_value in self.meta_paths_dict.items(): self._cached_coalesced_graph[mp] = dgl.metapath_reachable_graph( g, mp_value) h_dict = self.model(self._cached_coalesced_graph, h_dict) return h_dict