openhgnn.models.HGSL 源代码

import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from . import BaseModel, register_model

[文档]@register_model('HGSL') class HGSL(BaseModel): r""" HGSL, Heterogeneous Graph Structure Learning from `paper <>`_. Parameters ---------- feat_dims : dict The feature dimensions of different node types. undirected_relations : str The HGSL model can only handle undirected heterographs, while in the dgl.heterograph format, directed edges are stored in two different edge types, separately and symmetrically, to represent undirected edge. Hence you have to specify which relations are those distinct undirected relations. In this parameter, each undirected relation is separated with a comma. For example, in a heterograph with 2 undirected relations: paper-author and paper-subject, there are 4 type of edges stored in the dgl.heterograph: paper-author, author-paper, paper-subject, subject-paper. Then this parameter can be "paper-author,paper-subject", "author-paper,paper-subject", "paper-author,subject-paper" or "author-paper,subject-paper". device: str The GPU device to select, like 'cuda:0'. metapaths : list The metapath name list. mp_emb_dim : int The dimension of metapath embeddings from metapath2vec. hidden_dim : int The dimension of mapped features in the graph generating procedure. num_heads: int Number of heads in the K-head weighted cosine similarity function. fs_eps : float Threshold of feature similarity graph :math:`\epsilon^{FS}`. fp_eps : float Threshold of feature propagation graph :math:`\epsilon^{FP}`. mp_eps : float Threshold of semantic graph :math:`\epsilon^{MP}`. gnn_emd_dim : int The dimension of hidden layers of the downstream GNN. gnn_dropout : float The dropout ratio of features in the downstream GNN. category : str The target node type which the model will predict on. out_dim : int number of classes of the target node type. Attributes ----------- fgg_direct : nn.ModuleDict Feature similarity graph generator(:math:`S_r^{FS}`) dict in equation 2 of paper, in which keys are undirected-relation strs. fgg_left: nn.ModuleDict Feature propagation graph generator(:math:`S_r^{FH}`) dict which generates the graphs in equation 5 of paper. fgg_right: nn.ModuleDict Feature propagation graph generator(:math:`S_r^{FT}`) dict which generates the graphs in equation 6 of paper. fg_agg : nn.ModuleDict A channel attention layer, in which a layer fuses one feature similarity graph and two feature propagation graphs generated, in equation 7 of paper. sgg_gen : nn.ModuleDict Semantic subgraph generator(:math:`S_{r,m}^{MP}`) dict, in equation 8 of paper. sg_agg : nn.ModuleDict The channel attention layer which fuses semantic subgraphs, in equation 9 of paper. overall_g_agg : nn.ModuleDict The channel attention layer which fuses the learned feature graph, semantic graph and the original graph. encoder : nn.ModuleDict The type-specific mapping layer in equation 1 of paper. Note ---- This model under the best config has some slight differences compared with the code given by the paper author, which seems having little impact on performance: 1. The regularization item in loss is on all parameters of the model, while in the author's code, it is only on the generated adjacent matrix. If you want to implement the latter, a new task of OpenHGNN is needed. 2. The normalization of input adjacent matrix is separately on different adjacent matrices of different relations, while in the author's code, it is on the entire adjacent matrix composed of adjacent matrices of all relations. """ @classmethod def build_model_from_args(cls, args, hg): feat_dims = dict() for ntype in hg.ntypes: if 'h' in hg.nodes[ntype].data.keys(): feat_dims[ntype] = hg.nodes[ntype].data['h'].shape[1] else: feat_dims[ntype] = 128 # Extract undirected_relations und_rels = args.undirected_relations.split(',') undirected_relations = list() for etype in hg.canonical_etypes: if etype[1] in und_rels: undirected_relations.append(etype) device = hg.device metapaths = list() if args.dataset_name == 'acm4GTN': for feature_name in hg.nodes["paper"].data.keys(): if "m2v" in feature_name: metapaths.append(feature_name) mp_emb_dim = hg.nodes["paper"].data["pap_m2v_emb"].shape[1] elif args.dataset_name == 'dblp4GTN': for feature_name in hg.nodes['paper'].data.keys(): if 'h' not in feature_name: metapaths.append(feature_name) mp_emb_dim = hg.nodes['paper'].data['PAPCP'].shape[1] elif args.dataset_name == 'yelp4HGSL': for feature_name in hg.nodes['b'].data.keys(): if 'h' not in feature_name: metapaths.append(feature_name) mp_emb_dim = hg.nodes['b'].data['bub'].shape[1] else: raise NotImplemented("HGSL on dataset {} has not been implemented".format(args.dataset_name)) return cls(feat_dims=feat_dims, undirected_relations=undirected_relations, device=device, metapaths=metapaths, mp_emb_dim=mp_emb_dim, hidden_dim=args.hidden_dim, num_heads=args.num_heads, fs_eps=args.fs_eps, fp_eps=args.fp_eps, mp_eps=args.mp_eps, gnn_emd_dim=args.gnn_emd_dim, gnn_dropout=args.gnn_dropout, category=args.category, num_class=args.out_dim) def __init__(self, feat_dims, undirected_relations, device, metapaths, mp_emb_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, fs_eps, fp_eps, mp_eps, gnn_emd_dim, gnn_dropout, category, num_class): super().__init__() self.device = device self.ud_rels = undirected_relations self.node_types = list(feat_dims.keys()) self.feat_dims = feat_dims self.non_linear = nn.ReLU() self.category = category self.metapaths = metapaths nnmd = nn.ModuleDict self.fgg_direct, self.fgg_left, self.fgg_right, self.fg_agg, self.sgg_gen, self.sg_agg, self.overall_g_agg = \ nnmd({}), nnmd({}), nnmd({}), nnmd({}), nnmd({}), nnmd({}), nnmd({}) # Feature encoder self.encoder = nnmd( dict(zip(self.node_types, [nn.Linear(feat_dims[node_type], hidden_dim) for node_type in self.node_types]))) for canonical_etype in undirected_relations: undirected_relation = canonical_etype[1] # Feature Graph Generator self.fgg_direct[undirected_relation] = GraphGenerator(hidden_dim, num_heads, fs_eps, self.device) self.fgg_left[undirected_relation] = GraphGenerator(feat_dims[canonical_etype[0]], num_heads, fp_eps, self.device) self.fgg_right[undirected_relation] = GraphGenerator(feat_dims[canonical_etype[2]], num_heads, fp_eps, self.device) self.fg_agg[undirected_relation] = GraphChannelAttLayer(3) # Semantic Graph Generator self.sgg_gen[undirected_relation] = nnmd(dict( zip(metapaths, [GraphGenerator(mp_emb_dim, num_heads, mp_eps, self.device) for _ in metapaths]))) self.sg_agg[undirected_relation] = GraphChannelAttLayer(len(metapaths)) # Overall Graph Generator self.overall_g_agg[undirected_relation] = GraphChannelAttLayer(3) # Graph Convolution if len(set(feat_dims.values())) == 1: self.GCN = GCN(list(self.feat_dims.values())[0], gnn_emd_dim, num_class, gnn_dropout) else: raise Exception("Downstream model GCN can only accept features for " "different node types of the same dimension") def forward(self, hg, h_features): r""" Parameters ---------- hg : dgl.DGlHeteroGraph All input data is stored in this graph. The graph should be an undirected heterogeneous graph. Every node type in graph should have its feature named 'h' and the same feature dimension. Every node type in graph should have its metapath2vec embedding feature named 'xxx_m2v_emb' and the same feature dimension. h_features : dict Returns -------- result : dict The target node type and the corresponding node embeddings. """ def generate_node_indexes(hg): indexes = dict() index = 0 for node_type in hg.ntypes: indexes[node_type] = (index, index + hg.num_nodes(node_type)) index += hg.num_nodes(node_type) return indexes def construct_homo_adj(new_adjs, hg, node_indexes, device): new_homo_adj = torch.zeros(size=(hg.num_nodes(), hg.num_nodes())).to(device) for canonical_etype, new_adj in new_adjs.items(): row_range = node_indexes[canonical_etype[0]] column_range = node_indexes[canonical_etype[2]] new_homo_adj[row_range[0]:row_range[1], column_range[0]:column_range[1]] = new_adj temp = new_homo_adj.clone() new_homo_adj = temp + new_homo_adj.t() # new_homo_adj += new_homo_adj.t() new_homo_adj = F.normalize(new_homo_adj, dim=0, p=1) return new_homo_adj def construct_homo_feature(hg, device): homo_feature = list() for ntype in hg.ntypes: homo_feature.append(hg.nodes[ntype].data['h']) homo_feature =, dim=0).to(device) return homo_feature # Heterogeneous Feature Mapping mapped_feats = dict() for ntype in self.node_types: if 'h' in hg.nodes[ntype].data.keys(): mapped_feats[ntype] = self.non_linear(self.encoder[ntype](hg.nodes[ntype].data['h'].clone())) else: mapped_feats[ntype] = self.non_linear(self.encoder[ntype](h_features[ntype].clone())) # Heterogeneous Graph Generation new_adjs = dict() for canonical_etype in self.ud_rels: undirected_relation = canonical_etype[1] ori_g = F.normalize(hg.adj(etype=canonical_etype).to_dense().to(self.device), dim=1, p=2) # Feature Graph Generation fg_direct = self.fgg_direct[undirected_relation](mapped_feats[canonical_etype[0]], mapped_feats[canonical_etype[2]]) if 'h' in hg.nodes[canonical_etype[0]].data.keys() and 'h' in hg.nodes[canonical_etype[2]].data.keys(): fmat_l, fmat_r = hg.nodes[canonical_etype[0]].data['h'], hg.nodes[canonical_etype[2]].data['h'] else: fmat_l, fmat_r = h_features[canonical_etype[0]], h_features[canonical_etype[2]] sim_l, sim_r = self.fgg_left[undirected_relation](fmat_l, fmat_l), self.fgg_right[undirected_relation]( fmat_r, fmat_r) fg_left, fg_right =, feat_g = self.fg_agg[undirected_relation]([fg_direct, fg_left, fg_right]) # Semantic Graph Generation sem_g_list = [self.sgg_gen[undirected_relation][mp](hg.nodes[canonical_etype[0]].data[mp], hg.nodes[canonical_etype[2]].data[mp]) for mp in self.metapaths] sem_g = self.sg_agg[undirected_relation](sem_g_list) # Overall Graph new_adjs[canonical_etype] = self.overall_g_agg[undirected_relation]([feat_g, sem_g, ori_g]) node_indexes = generate_node_indexes(hg) new_homo_adj = construct_homo_adj(new_adjs, hg, node_indexes, self.device) homo_feature = construct_homo_feature(hg, self.device) x = self.GCN(homo_feature, new_homo_adj) result = {self.category: x[node_indexes[self.category][0]:node_indexes[self.category][1], :]} return result
class MetricCalcLayer(nn.Module): r""" Calculate metric in equation 3 of paper. Parameters ---------- nhid : int The dimension of mapped features in the graph generating procedure. """ def __init__(self, nhid): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1, nhid)) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.weight) def forward(self, h): r""" Parameters ---------- h : tensor The result of the Hadamard product in equation 3 of paper. """ return h * self.weight class GraphGenerator(nn.Module): r""" Generate a graph using similarity. """ def __init__(self, dim, num_head=2, threshold=0.1, dev=None): super(GraphGenerator, self).__init__() self.threshold = threshold self.metric_layer = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(num_head): self.metric_layer.append(MetricCalcLayer(dim)) self.num_head = num_head = dev def forward(self, left_h, right_h): r""" Parameters ---------- left_h : tensor The first input embedding matrix. right_h : tensor The second input embedding matrix. """ def cos_sim(a, b, eps=1e-8): a_n, b_n = a.norm(dim=1)[:, None], b.norm(dim=1)[:, None] a_norm = a / torch.max(a_n, eps * torch.ones_like(a_n)) b_norm = b / torch.max(b_n, eps * torch.ones_like(b_n)) sim_mt =, b_norm.transpose(0, 1)) return sim_mt if torch.sum(left_h) == 0 or torch.sum(right_h) == 0: return torch.zeros((left_h.shape[0], right_h.shape[0])).to( s = torch.zeros((left_h.shape[0], right_h.shape[0])).to( zero_lines = torch.nonzero(torch.sum(left_h, 1) == 0) # The ReLU function will generate zero lines, which lead to the nan (divided by zero) problem. if len(zero_lines) > 0: left_h[zero_lines, :] += 1e-8 for i in range(self.num_head): weighted_left_h = self.metric_layer[i](left_h) weighted_right_h = self.metric_layer[i](right_h) s += cos_sim(weighted_left_h, weighted_right_h) s /= self.num_head s = torch.where(s < self.threshold, torch.zeros_like(s), s) return s class GraphChannelAttLayer(nn.Module): r""" The graph channel attention layer in equation 7, 9 and 10 of paper. """ def __init__(self, num_channel): super(GraphChannelAttLayer, self).__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_channel, 1, 1)) nn.init.constant_(self.weight, 0.1) # equal weight def forward(self, adj_list): r""" Parameters ---------- adj_list : list The list of adjacent matrices. """ adj_list = torch.stack(adj_list) # Row normalization of all graphs generated adj_list = F.normalize(adj_list, dim=1, p=1) # Hadamard product + summation -> Conv return torch.sum(adj_list * F.softmax(self.weight, dim=0), dim=0) class GCN(nn.Module): r""" The downstream GCN model. """ def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout): super(GCN, self).__init__() self.gc1 = GraphConvolution(nfeat, nhid) self.gc2 = GraphConvolution(nhid, nclass) self.dropout = dropout def forward(self, x, adj): r""" Parameters ---------- x : tensor The feature matrix. adj : tensor The adjacent matrix. """ x = F.relu(self.gc1(x, adj)) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, x = self.gc2(x, adj) return x class GraphConvolution(nn.Module): r""" The downstream GCN layer. """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True): def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(1)), stdv) if self.bias is not None:, stdv) super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_features, out_features)) if bias: self.bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features)) else: self.register_parameter('bias', None) reset_parameters(self) def forward(self, inputs, adj): r""" Parameters ---------- inputs : tensor The feature matrix. adj : tensor The adjacent matrix. """ support =, self.weight) # HW in GCN output =, support) # AHW if self.bias is not None: return output + self.bias else: return output