
OpenHGNN works with the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 16.04

  • macOS X

  • Windows 10

Python environment requirments

1. Python environment (Optional): We recommend using Conda package manager

conda create -n openhgnn python=3.6
source activate openhgnn

2. Pytorch: Follow their tutorial to run the proper command according to your OS and CUDA version. For example:

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

3. DGL: Follow their tutorial to run the proper command according to your OS and CUDA version. For example:

pip install dgl -f

4. Install openhgnn:

  • install from pypi

pip install openhgnn
  • install from source

git clone
# If you encounter a network error, try git clone from openi as following.
# git clone
cd OpenHGNN
pip install .